Our Co-Founder/Ministry Director - Rob Guerra
Our Officers: Ethan Hasty and Bobby Alexander
Our Outreach Director: Chris Franson
Our Board of Directors: Rachel Guerra, Terri Contreras,
Leigh Ann Levy, Chris Franson, Bobby Alexander,
Ethan Hasty and Rob Guerra
One main ministry is our STREET MINISTRY. We strive to take the Word of God to our brothers and sisters on the streets, under bridges and where ever we can find them. We provide our Blessing Bags with food, snacks and hygiene packs. We bring fellowship and the Gospel to them. We are always in need of blessing bag supplies. Contact us and see how you can help.
We have many opportunities to volunteer. You may be interested in serving on our street ministry team but we also need help with blessing bag preparation; meal preparation; clothing sorting; fundraising. For more information regarding ways to help reach out to us at:
CALL OR TEXT: 214.213.6207
EMAIL: unshackledsoldiers@gmail.com
HIT "CONTACT US" BUTTON here on website
Unshackled Soldiers of Christ Ministries is blessed to have our food pantry. Pauline's Pantry is our nutritional outreach ministry. Emergency food services are offered to anyone in need and ongoing services are available on a case by case basis. Financial donations, as well as donations of non-perishable food items and hygiene products are appreciated.